We are increasingly delaying the age at which we become parents, but that doesn’t mean it’s not more difficult to get pregnant if we are already over 36. From that age, the chances decrease, although pregnancy can still occur.

Infertility at 30 is 6 times higher than at 20, and it doubles again at 40.

Elige con cuál de nuestros especialistas te gustaría programar tu primera consulta para discutir tu caso. En el perfil de cada médico, tendrás acceso a su calendario para seleccionar la fecha y hora que mejor te convenga.

We are a company created to help anyone who is seeking pregnancy or planning their future fertility. Sometimes, due to fear, nervousness, language barrier for medical consultation in another language, or simply because the fertility consultation with your doctor is too quick, as it involves complex medical language, we may not understand everything that encompasses our fertility treatment.

We have found the simplest way for a highly qualified professional to be with you throughout the process, whether you are in the process or in search of any fertility treatment.

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